welcome, & be blessed!

The messengers of PEACE, in the heart of LOVE, have been handpicked by the Creator God, from the ranks of life, for He knows the effectiveness of using those who have survived the worst, and now understand the best.
In this way, the warriors of PEACE & LOVE are empowered, with strength, fortitude, longwithstanding, therefore, enabled to create ripples in the minds, & lives of mankind...

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luni, 2 februarie 2009



I was wondering for many years,... and lately...

thinking that God it wasn*t even there, hearing me...how wrong I was, He always is listening...always...

Well, for me there is loneliness of the heart.... Because in our time we are always surrounded by people...strangers, most of the cases...who don*t even care of us, of our tears or joy.... It is noisy and we are always busy... Friendships we have are normally without knowing the other person or what we too soon call friends....at least I think so...

But above all there is the loneliness of the heart. A longin for sth. one thinks one can find or overcome somehow. People try to find different solutions.

Anyway at this time now I am thinking about this questions and I really try to find an answer....
Maybe if loneliness would not be I would not know what I am a longing for...right?. I know what I long for and this brings me nearer to know how to overcome loneliness.

I long for
a person to talk to
a person who understands me
someone special and careing
someone who is compatible and similar to me but in a way different
someone filling we with joy and happiness
someone who know who I am and to understand me or even tries to...

I know that God and time will help me to stand the time of loneliness till finally i will find that something or someone in my life who fills this part and i will not be lonely anymore....
But before all I know that sometimes even i you think this person or that moment should last forever it will not last....

It will be damaged or it will even be worse and hurt you. , what i always pray is to find someone special, who won*t ever hurt me...Hurt me so badly that i can hardly stop crieing and dont know what you can do....coz is happend to me once , before...

But someday, somehow, someway and sometime there will be the chance which could help me not to be lonely anymore.... Another stone you have to get out of your way and behinde it you see another one....maybe... Or it will be 1000000.... of stones but one day you find the most adoring and beautiful flower but maybe it is to tiny to see....right, ...?...

OR MAYBE God will simply solve thia on his time...I just must be prepared for that day...

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