welcome, & be blessed!

The messengers of PEACE, in the heart of LOVE, have been handpicked by the Creator God, from the ranks of life, for He knows the effectiveness of using those who have survived the worst, and now understand the best.
In this way, the warriors of PEACE & LOVE are empowered, with strength, fortitude, longwithstanding, therefore, enabled to create ripples in the minds, & lives of mankind...

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marți, 24 noiembrie 2009

un gand solitar

Aducem iubitelor noastre “cu bucurie” tot felul de lucruri, uitând că nu poţi umple golul inimii ce se vrea iubită, cu mixere... Trebuie un zâmbet, o atingere de mână, o floare, un cuvânt şoptit, pentru că iubirea,…doar iubire cere.

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