welcome, & be blessed!

The messengers of PEACE, in the heart of LOVE, have been handpicked by the Creator God, from the ranks of life, for He knows the effectiveness of using those who have survived the worst, and now understand the best.
In this way, the warriors of PEACE & LOVE are empowered, with strength, fortitude, longwithstanding, therefore, enabled to create ripples in the minds, & lives of mankind...

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marți, 10 februarie 2009

with God all things are POSSIBLE...

…let's talk a little about something…the unseen tears, whom almost everyone has within himself…because, after all, everybody hurts, even if someone doesn't want to admit it,... right?
Probably , in various moments, you felt the need to cry... just like that...because of your bleeding heart...well, this happened to me many times before... not just once...anyway, I think all this time the unseen tears were there,,, inside, hidden...

but with breath, living... many times maybe …you cried inside of yourself, silently, without feeling the need to start over a revolution...because we already know that life sometimes, can be pretty unfair...right?

I did feel it exactly so...many times...maybe, just ....I assume, that many times you asked yourself with tears in your eyes, or maybe in your soul... why this life can be so cruel?

so unfair? so painful? why?

many times mybe you did feel the need for a smile... for a real friend... for a hug... for a soft touch... for a simple rose just to be offered to you, as a gift for how special you are...
and many times , too many maybe, that smile, that hug, that rose…didn't come... and then you asked yourself, why?

many times maybe you felt the need to have anyone there, right next to you... to be there, ready to listen to you, and to ...enjoy your presence...to simply know that in his eyes you are the queen of the entyre universe... and in his heart you are the master... he appreciates you so much...so deeply...he respects you like no one does…or did it before…

he loves your presence like never and nothing else in this world...his presence to be the sweetest "kiss"...of God for your life... more than you ever wanted in life... to feel that when he is arround you, you have wings... to feel that he treats you like no one never did it before... yes, for one person in the world…you actually ARE the whole world...

someone who heals just being there... right next to your soul…

by it's presence he is the most beautiful gift you could ever receive from Above...like a life-time dream…came true...

in a minute, yes, came true... someone who actually sees you how intelligent you are, how valuable you are, how beautiful, how funny... with such a neat personality and character...a velvet soul, or maybe a silk soul...

then, maybe then ...the unseen tears, could ...forever dissapear... and, you'll find...forever happiness... did you ever think about these things?... well, dearest this dream... it's my daily bread, in fact it's my very reason to live...to go on…
… with the hope, that maybe some day, someone…will make that way... to weep away me those…unseen tears...from my soul...and I think I'm not the only one...

am I?
one day, when someone really wants something so badly... God YES I KNOW, God only…can make him a present…once in a life time... wich is the most important in life... after all.

I know that God still makes miracles... yes, even today... what matters is to believe... more then ever, in spite of everyone who tells you not to, in spite of everything... right?
I dare to believe that dreams can become true...one day…WITH Gods help, only in Gods help… do you too?

please let me know what is it what you think about this ...ok? and dare to dream!!! it's our right... after all... right?

P.S. What for men it is impossible, for God it is possible…with God all things are possible.

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