welcome, & be blessed!

The messengers of PEACE, in the heart of LOVE, have been handpicked by the Creator God, from the ranks of life, for He knows the effectiveness of using those who have survived the worst, and now understand the best.
In this way, the warriors of PEACE & LOVE are empowered, with strength, fortitude, longwithstanding, therefore, enabled to create ripples in the minds, & lives of mankind...

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marți, 18 octombrie 2011

some thoughts...

…I love most of Ellen G. White's books, like Child Guidance, like Adventist Home, like the Great Controversy, like the Desire of Ages, and so on, I like the family principles, I adore the concept of family, based upon the love of Christ and mutual respect, not mutual "cold-war", or mutual " independence", what I have seen more and more coming up nowadays...

I have seen that people are living their solitude together nowadays, or they actually live their loneliness together, living in the same house, but most of the times they just live together they don't build a home together... unfortunately Satan strikes the most the home the Christian and non-Christian homes as well...

Satan strikes even from the very beginning the family and Sabbath day also...he hates these two institutions of God, reminders of God's creation.... the modern families have no time for affection, for tenderness for the other's needs, for a walk in nature, for a deep profound conversation, on a bench near by the lake, watching the sky, talking to the squirrels and sparrows, and so on, the modern man is a stranger to himself, he is living in a full of noise world, a world who is a stranger to him, and to all, and this is also the result of the seeking for wealth, and more and more comfort... don't get me wrong here, pls, it's good to have a comfortable life, but not by any means...the modern man paid it all, he said I want the best of the bests ...by any means, and today they are paying on fully the costs" lack of time, for their families, they act like strangers, they suffer of depression, they hardly know each other, they don't "visit" too often the nature, they visit more often the Psychology, or worse...Psi...others. they pay a lot of money for nothing, they get only ...nothingness... emptiness of the soul and mind, they run away of God, the ONLY ONE WHO COULD EASILY FULFILL THEIR DEEPEST NEEDS... THIS IS HAT HAPPENS NOWADAYS... of course there are some good things that also happen today, and I am aware of them, thank God that they still exist... by His Grace, but the big picture I think is ...is this... is a grey one, not a very yellow or far of being a pink one... I am dreaming at a normal family, a family who stick with God and His principles...a family that plays together, laughs together and spends time together out in nature...not inside, today there is too much inside, and way too less "outside" this it happens today, and this was not the original plan of God...too much time spent on the internet, this is not good...for the people and for the relationships, between them, as family parts and members... too much on TV set, not good...too much time on work...workaholics...not good at all, less physical exercise year by year, ...eating not healthy at all, with every year that passes, all is grey, I am telling you, the more I am watching the western Society the more I get sad...when I see what happens.....of course I know there are some exceptions from what I talking about here, but in many cases, this is what happens, in many civilized countries, the prosperity takes a price whom must be paid, and the price is this... the original plan was a happy simple family, where they look at JESUS and they live mutual love and respect for the other, where they learn to say I AM SORRY, I AM NOT THE SMARTEST ON THE PLANET, I AM NOT THE BRIGHTEST, I AM NOT THE COOLEST, I AM THE MOST EASY TO MAKE ERRORS...I AM HUMAN, I KNOW, BUT I TANK YOU, FOR YOU ACCEPT ME JUST AS I AM...ONLY A Man, BUT I AM also a child of God... we should be stick with the original plan plan A that God had in mind...that plan means happiness....as much as we can get here in the sins and selfishness conditions...where every one including in families are trying to get the best piece of everything, the selfishness is within us, as the sin is...also. the plan A of God was sels sacrifice for the benefit of the most loved, for the otehr, I am lower, and you are greater, I love you, so I would do everything for you, in order to see you happy!!! whatever it takes, including giving up myself...it’s hard? yes, it's not easy, for our selfish self...but TIS IS THE WAY TO HEAVEN....the ONLY WAY, BY THE WAY.... AND WHEN WE START OVER PRACTICING THIS "SPORT" ,TO PRACTICE THIS "EXTREME SPORTS" LIKE SELF-DENIAL, WITHIN OUR FAMILIES WE ARE GETTING PREPARED FOR THE COMING WORLD...FOR HEAVEN...by each decision we make, we are getting more to JESUS, WE ARE MORE ALIKE HIM, OR MORE UNLIKE HIM, .... WELL, THIS IS SHORTLY, WHAT I HAD ON MY MIND TODAY...

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