welcome, & be blessed!

The messengers of PEACE, in the heart of LOVE, have been handpicked by the Creator God, from the ranks of life, for He knows the effectiveness of using those who have survived the worst, and now understand the best.
In this way, the warriors of PEACE & LOVE are empowered, with strength, fortitude, longwithstanding, therefore, enabled to create ripples in the minds, & lives of mankind...

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sâmbătă, 18 aprilie 2009


There are thousands at the present day who are pursuing a similar course. They would have no difficulty in understanding their duty if it were in harmony with their inclinations. It is plainly set before them in the Bible or is clearly indicated by circumstances and reason. But because these evidences are contrary to their desires and inclinations they frequently set them aside and presume to go to God to learn their duty. With great apparent conscientiousness they pray long and earnestly for light. But God will not be trifled with. He often permits such persons to follow their own desires and to suffer the result. .. . . When one clearly sees a duty, let him not presume to go to God with the prayer that he may be excused from performing it. He should rather, with a humble, submissive spirit, ask for divine strength and wisdom to meet its claims. {CC 113.5}

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